


YOUR Next-level support

We created these Amplify Sessions because we know that there are so many more levels and layers to unlock, and sometimes we—as entrepreneurs—don’t know where to turn or who to turn to for the REAL answers we need.

Over the past 10 years we’ve been in business, we’ve had to figure this all out the hard way. Because NOBODY ever talks about (or teaches, or shares the full story behind) how hard it really is to overcome, break through, and grow beyond $100k without sacrificing yourself, your integrity, OR your love for people.

Which is exactly why we created our Half-Day Intensive and our 90-Day Intensive. And it’s why we’re now layering in Amplify Sessions for returning 1-on-1 clients.

We don’t ever want you to reach a point where you’re searching for answers but can’t find them AND we don’t want you to get stuck trying to solve NEW problems, growth plateaus, and financial glass ceilings alone

We want these Amplify Sessions to be your CEO support system whenever you need them—so that you can keep multiplying, amplifying, and deepening your results moving forward.

What's included

Your AMPLIFY SESSION includes:

  • A NEW audit—where you’ll be able to give us updates on all of the new data, all of the new stats, and all of the things you’ve done/created since your Half-Day or 90-Day Intensive. You’ll also be able to ask all the questions you have about what comes next.

  • 2-hour Amplify Session—1-on-1 strategizing that’s laser-focused on exactly what you need to do to multiply, amplify, and deepen your results moving forward. Beyond all of the upper-level questions we’ll be addressing (re: “Now what?”) and next-level strategies we’ll be sharing, our #1 focus will be answering the most important scaling question of all:
    • “How can I continue building my business bigger and better while simultaneously protecting my time, money, and energy even more?”

  • 7 days of Voxer access—so the breakthroughs and ah-ha’s continue, and so that no question goes unanswered (even after the session is over)